Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

For My Ram

I could make this a million words long, if I had the time and all the right words. But most of the time I don't. My heart bursts during the day, filling rooms and spreading across highways to get to you when we are apart. I can't imagine my life without you now that I have you.
We finish each other's sentences before they even begin. It seems you have a direct line to my funny bone. Funnier even, as I write this... and I ran out of words, my phone on shuffle, decides to play our song.
We are hilarious! And sickening. And I love every delightful moment.
Happy Birthday Lover!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kitty Couture! What?!!!

For those of you wishing for a more gothic look to WildFox thats CHEAPER..... This is your break.
I love Wildfox Couture cause its very fem and bubble gum and somehow badtothebone. But Tokyolux gives me all aspects of feeling rebelious while not breaking the bank.  
:found at

Me Lykke Li

Can't get enough....
I've had "I Follow Rivers" on repeat all day.
I think my phone's battery might die before it makes it home.
<3 it!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Got that new apartment we have been stalking online, finally all set and ready to move in.
Heat at last!
For those of you who didn't know, our landlord has neglected to fix our heat, and its been out for over a week now. So I went on a serious apartment hunt and hit the jackpot of all urban homes. 2 Blocks from the ferry to Manhattan, an old victorian completely renovated, with 2 balconies, and a clawfoot tub.
Outfit posts will be a breeze!
But I'm not brave enough to have my taste and style laid out for the world to see just yet. I'm nervous... which is probably why I haven't attempted it yet.
One day soon, I'll get the balls. In the meantime, I'll post pics of the new place... since we all know fashion and decor go hand in hand. :D
Stay tuned...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Random Weekend Post

This weekend is special, though, I'm not going to fill anyone in until I get the word that its official.
Happy Friday!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kiss This

Whats the point? I say...
but at least I keep going.
And I will continue to. Its just a matter of time before this blog blows up.
Back entries will still be available for those of you who don't read it now.
Have a nice weekend. 

Thierry Mugler F/W 2011 - Paris Fashion Week

Is it just me, or did this whole show remind you of The Fifth Element?
Fucking Fantastic!
To top it all off, Lady Gaga walked the catwalk and premiered her never-before-heard song "Government Hooker" for the upcoming album Born This Way, due out in May of this year.
Preview the new song at GagaDaily.

Zac Posen F/W 2011 - Paris Fashion Week

View the rest here...

Gnarly Gnarlingtons

Unless you've been living under a rock the past couple weeks, you know that the Sheen Machine has taken over televisions and PC's everywhere. While I've tried to resist this mess, its pointless.
Start Winning Here...
Live The Sheen Dream Dot Com